
WordPress / JetPack : change map scale on contact infos widget
Hey everybody ! Today i prefer to write in English, because i think this article might concern a larger audience than my other posts, although (and also because) it's a little technical trick to solve an irritating problem. So, you should have noticed (shouldn't you...

WordPress / JetPack : change map scale on contact infos widget
Hey everybody ! Today i prefer to write in English, because i think this article might concern a larger audience than my other posts, although (and also because) it's a little technical trick to solve an irritating problem. So, you should have noticed (shouldn't you...

Import of traductions for the products for Dolibarr
Altairis built a new module to import the traductions of products (labels, descriptions, notes) from Dolibarr. The traductions are created or updated during the import of the csv files. Buy the module on Dolistore (20% of the selling prices goes directly to the...

Import des traductions des produits pour Dolibarr
altairis a développé un nouveau module d'import des traductions des produits (labels, descriptions, notes) de Dolibarr. Les traductions sont créées ou mises à jour lors de l'import du fichier csv. Achetez le module sur Dolistore (20% du montant des ventes part...

Dolibarr – Display the name of the supplier during the selection of the buying price
In the diffrent documents of Dolibarr (business proposition, orders, invoices), it's possible to choose the buying price used to calculate the mark-up (if the mark-up module is enabled, of course). But this list lacks an important information, namely the name of the...

Dolibarr – Afficher le nom du fournisseur lors de la sélection du prix d’achat
Dans les différents documents de Dolibarr (propales, commandes, factures), il est possible de choisir le prix d'achat utilisé pour calculer les marges (si on a activé auparavant le module marges, bien sûr). Or cette liste de prix manque d'une information essentielle,...

Prestashop – Display of the shopping cart in B2B mode without being logged in
In B2B, Prestashop only allow authenticated users to purchase. While keeping this method, we would like to show the shopping cart even for not logged in visitors, mainly to make it clear that they are on a online shop. The only solution that I found was to lightly...
Prestashop – Affichage du panier en mode B2B sans connexion
En mode B2B, Prestashop n'autorise les commandes qu'aux visiteurs authentifiés. Tout en gardant ce fonctionnement, nous souhaitons néanmoins afficher le panier même pour les visiteurs non connectés, principalement pour bien montrer qu'on est sur un site de vente en...