21, Oct 2015 | Altairis Blog
This commission management module for Dolibarr allow you to manage the commissioning of your salespersons. It can be used alone, or paired up with the Margin module that we developed then added to the core of Dolibarr 3.3. General settings for the Commission module...
21, Oct 2015 | Altairis Blog
The module « Prices » allows you to manage quicky your supplier’s prices catalog and mass update of prices of the products : import and update as often as needed ! Because it quickly becomes tedious -not to say impossible- to manage an activity with a huge...
17, Oct 2015 | Altairis Blog
This new module shoprice allow you to display and modify the sale prices of products predfined at the entry of commercial propositions, orders, and invoices. This option is configurable by a group of users (management of the permissions). NEW : It is now possible to...
17, Oct 2015 | Altairis Blog
This module is made to generate offers, orders and invoices in the currency of the client. The exchange rate needs to be defined in the configuration of the module and then you can choose (and modify) the currency and the exchange rate used for the creation of the pdf...
6, Oct 2015 | Altairis Blog
The Webmail module opens RoundCube in Dolibarr, either for full access (Webmail icon) or for limited access to the third party’s folder in the mailbox (« Emails » tab on the third party file). The integration is for the moment basic but functional. The source code for...
6, Oct 2015 | Altairis Blog
The aim of this module is to let you customise the documents references by adding a suffix. To manage several versions of your buisiness proposals, orders, invoices or expeditions for example. It also allows you to use an other reference than « (PROV) » for your...