13, Déc 2016 | Non classé
We are pleased to inform you of the availability of the Commissions module for the dolibarr 4.0 version (and the previous ones since 3.4). It makes it possible to calculate the commissions of commercial agents from the sales or margins made, with a precise...
17, Oct 2015 | Altairis Blog
This module is made to generate offers, orders and invoices in the currency of the client. The exchange rate needs to be defined in the configuration of the module and then you can choose (and modify) the currency and the exchange rate used for the creation of the pdf...
6, Oct 2015 | Altairis Blog
The aim of this module is to let you customise the documents references by adding a suffix. To manage several versions of your buisiness proposals, orders, invoices or expeditions for example. It also allows you to use an other reference than « (PROV) » for your...
6, Oct 2015 | Altairis Blog
This new module allows to show a warning or an error message if the product added to an offer / order / invoice is not in stock anymore. Buy the module on Dolistore (20% of the selling prices goes directly to the Dolibarr association)
27, Sep 2015 | Altairis Blog
Altairis has just put on sale a new module (smarttables) that allows a better navigation of large lists in Dolibarr: either with the standard pagination of Dolibarr + the choice of the number of lines to display either with column headers that remain displayed when...